Metal Rear Solid (Game Script Idea)

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Joined: Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:26 am

Thu May 02, 2024 10:03 am

Metal Rear Solid (Game Idea)

(This script is a parody of the Metal Gear Solid video game saga. Within the MNF universe, this game serves as a sequel to the Far Moan game. Once again, Cob is the protagonist of this adventure.)

Character of Part 1

Cob: (Cob will have a black t-shirt, blue jeans, and black and white sneakers. He left a reference image here (ignore the hat that appears in the image. He wouldn't wear that hat.) ... kers/88640
(After the conversation with Johnny Sasaki, when Cob puts on his spy suit, he will look like this. He will not have a mask or glasses.)

Johnny Sasaki:

Meryl Silverburgh:
(Meryl will have a muscular body, having strong arms, abdomen and legs, although this will not prevent her from looking sexy, with a big ass and big tits.)

Paz Ortega Andrade:
(Close image of Paz's face)
(Despite being over 20 years old, her tits and ass are smaller than other women's, although they are still attractive and of considerable size.)

(Close Image of Eva's face)

Characters of Part 2

Cob: (His appearance will remain the same.)

Mei Ling:
(Close image of Mei's face)

Sniper Wolf:
Image reference:
Image reference 2:

The Boss:
(Close Image of The Boss's face)

Characters of Part 3

Cob: (His appearance will remain the same)

Emma Emmerich:
(In this other image of Emma, you can see her full body, highlighting her hair and clothes)
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... o7-pre.png
(Emma is about 18 years old, so her tits and ass are not as big as the other women in this game. Still, she has a size notable enough to be attractive.)

Naomi Hunter: ... -984986886
(Close image of Naomi's face)

(Close image of Fortune's face)

Characters of Part 4

Cob: (His appearance will remain the same)

Cécile Cosima Caminades:
Image reference:
(Close image of Cecile's face)

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... _V9Eq8qc_I
(Close image of Rosemary's face)
https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca88777 ... pK2LCRTvq4
Image reference:
Image reference 2:
(Close image of Quiet's face)
(Close image of Quiet's face with a black spot in his eyes)
(As an additional fact, Quiet's ass is bigger than her tits)

Johnny Sasaki: (His appearance will remain the same)

It's been a while since Cob had to deal with the tough girls of Far Moan. It was a spectacular experience that our hero still remembers with pleasure. Still, his life goes on and he must face all the challenges of his college life. This causes him to feel constantly out of energy, which means he has to clear his mind every once in a while.

(In the next scene we can see Cob sitting on a park bench. He will have a soda in his hand while he is thinking)

Cob: (Thinking) Ugh, the homework they are giving us in class is crazy. It is relatively easy for me to do it since I understand it, but it is too much and I get quite tired. Well, at least I have to be thankful that I've finished most of that homework, so I think I deserve a good rest and distract my mind a little. (Cob will take out his cell phone) Hmm, I see there's news that they're making a new Metal Rear Solid game. Well, it's more like a finishing touch to an existing game, but hey, maybe that will help the saga to revitalize itself and release new games, or it's another finishing touch to the hype that the industry has been doing these years.

(The cell phone will start blinking)

Cob: (Talking) Oh, what the hell is happening now? If you performed maintenance last week. Wait, will it be possible...?

(Cob begins to be teleported)

Cob: What? Does teleportation also work through my cell phone?

(In the next scene, Cob will appear in a locker room or barracks typical of a military base. In one of the beds in the place there will be an earpiece and a sports bag)
Image reference:

Cob: Ah, these teleportations always catch me off guard. Where am I now? It looks like some kind of military base, like the ones that usually appear in movies or television reports.

(Near Cob, an earpiece will start making a ringing sound. I don't know if "earpiece" is the correct word to describe that device, so I'll leave a reference image.)
Image reference:

Cob: Someone seems to be calling. Maybe this is my chance to find out what's happening.

(Cob places the earpiece in his ear)

Cob: Hmm, I've never used one of these before. I guess I have to press a button to respond. Let's see…

(From here the Codec, the famous Metal Gear Solid method of communication, will be activated and the conversation with Johnny Sasaki will begin. The Codec will look like this, with Johnny on the left side of the screen and Cob on the right.)
Image refence of the Codec:

Johnny: Hello? Umm, hello? Can you listen to me?
Cob: Yes, I can hear you, although I don't know if it's me you want to talk to. It's a long story, but it appears out of nowhere in a…
Johnny: Um, sorry to interrupt, but are you the guy named Cob?
Cob: Yes, I'm Cob. Cob Cox. How do you know my name?
Johnny: Ah, thank god it's you. You know, Cob, you have an interesting file that led to your being chosen for this mission. According to the reports I have received, you are the only one with the strength and experience to carry it out.
Cob: Mission? File? Reports? What are you talking about?
Johnny: Oh, yes, you see, I have some high-class superiors who have chosen me to inform you of what you should do. Sorry I can't say who chose you for this, but that's top secret, I hope you understand.
Cob: Top secret? Is this something from the government? They're not going to use me as part of a dangerous experiment, are they?
Johnny: No, no, no, no, no. It's nothing like that. Like I said, it's a mission that only you can accomplish. You see, my superiors have managed to find out the mischievous adventures you've had in the past, which is why who have determined that you are the most qualified man to carry out the mission they have planned for you. Nobody else can do it.
Cob: Wow, really? It's flattering to have my achievements recognized, at least I think so. What is the mission you're referring to?
Johnny: A criminal organization that has been persecuted by the authorities for years has created a virus called "Fox Dry", which drains sexual desire in women. This can lead to no woman wanting to have sex with men, which will lead to a decrease in the birth rate so high that the world economy will collapse due to lack of labor to fill jobs and even the very existence of humanity will be in danger.
Cob: God, that's a horrible situation
Johnny: And it gets even worse. The virus has already entered the body of a group of women from all over the world, who, to make the situation even worse than it already was, are located in different years from each other, since the criminals have managed to create a technology that allows time travel. The virus is still in a dormant state, but it will activateand spread around the globe in a short time if you don't act soon
Cob: Damn, that's terrible. What can I do to avoid this catastrophe?
Johnny: You have to have sexual relations with those women
Cob: Have sex? That doesn't seem like an optimal solution to this problem.
Johnny: Yes it is. Due to the number of women you have dated in the past, your pheromones have even increased their effectiveness in attracting females.
Cob: From the way my college classmates talk to me, I wouldn't say that.
Johnny: That doesn't matter now. The crucial thing is that this advantage of yours is going to work perfectly with those women, although there is a small drawback. The virus has caused these women to have developed some immunity to men, so we will need something more than your pheromones.
Cob: And what are we going to do?
Johnny: A bag has been left near you, inside which you will find a bottle of pills prepared specifically to counteract the effects of “Fox Dry”. Take them before having sex and the pills will take effect quickly
Cob: Ok, I understand. Tell your contacts, your superiors, or whatever they are, that I can do the mission.
Johnny: Perfect! Thank you so much. You will do the men of the world a great favor. By the way, a special suit made to measure for you has been placed in the same bag where the pills are. You know, to be an agent you have to feel comfortable to be focused on your objective.
Cob: Oh, thanks for the detail. I think it will be useful.
Johnny: As soon as you put it on, my superiors will record that and know when to teleport you to the women when necessary. Once you finish having sex with one, you will be teleported to the next one.
Cob: Ok, i get it.
Johnny: Well, in that case, put on your suit and start your... uuuggghhh

(In the Codec image you can see how Johnny is writhing due to a pain in his stomach.)

Cob: Is something wrong with you? Are you ok?
Johnny: Yes, I'm fine. It's just that I have to go to the bathroom urgently. I've had a digestion problem for years. Sorry Cob, but I'm going to have to cut the call. You just put on the suit and my superiors will do the rest.

(Codec communication ends)

Cob: Ok, that was strange. Anyway, I better put my suit on.

(Cob will put on the suit and have the jar of pills in his hand)

Cob: Dude, I look great in this suit. And it's true, it's very comfortable, except for the crotch which feels a little tight, but you can deal with it.

(Cob takes a look at the pills)

Cob: Well, I just have to take one pill when I'm in front of one of the women and this whole thing will be a piece of cake.

(Cob will start to be teleported)

Cob: Ok , here we go.

(Cob will be teleported to a damaged building because it is located in a war zone in the Middle East, where he will meet Meryl Silverburgh. She will point her assault rifle in Cob's direction due to his sudden appearance.)

Meryl: Hey, hands up! What are you, an insurgent?
Cob: Put that gun down, miss, I'm on your side
Meryl: Do you have any identification to prove that?
Cob: Yes, yes, here I have it. Let me show you
Meryl: Don't even think about doing something stupid or you'll regret it.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Meryl horny)

Meryl: My god! Being on the battlefield for so long had made me forget what a good cock looks like.

Sex Scene 1, Amazon Position ... 185904.jpg

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported to a Caribbean beach that could have rainy weather or be at night. While there, he will meet Paz Ortega Andrade)

Paz: Hey, what are you doing here? This place is used by soldiers for training. For now they have left, but they will return soon. You must go.
Cob: Oh really? I must have gotten lost. Just let me take a pill. It's for the headache, it makes me dizzy too much.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Paz horny)

Paz: Oh, that's a dick? I had never seen one before.

Sex Scene 2 ... p4?9373612

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported into the middle of the jungle, where he will meet Eva. She will point a Mauser pistol at Cob, like the one in this image)

EVA: Stop there. Are you a spy sent to catch me?
Cob: Ahhh, ehhh, no, no, I am an agent sent to support you. Here I have a letter in which your next objective is written.
EVA: Uhm, if that's true, give it to me and I'll read it, but if you lie to me, you'll pay the consequences.
Cob: Yeah, whatever you say.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making EVA horny)

EVA: Wow. Wouldn't that mission consist of putting that animal among my boobs to care for and protect it?

Sex Scene 3, Titjob ... bvHjp-fYEA

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported. Keeping in mind that this is the end of part 1, a text will appear saying "To be Continued”)

End of Part 1


Metal Rear Solid Part 2

(After the sex scene with EVA, Cob is teleported to the command port of a military battleship, where he will meet Mei Ling.)

Mei: Who are you? A new crew member on my battleship?
Cob: Umm, yes, I'm new here and I'm a little disoriented. From the looks of you, you're the one in charge here, aren't you?
Mei: Yes, I am the captain. It's a pleasure to meet you. Do you want me to guide you on a tour of the battleship to familiarize you with it?
Cob: It sounds interesting, but could I take a pill first? The trip here has tired me more than I expected.
Mei: If that makes you feel better then no problem. I want all my men to feel good and give 100% of themselves.
Cob: Thank you

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Mei horny)

Mei: Fufu. You know, in general I like older men, but I think I'll make an exception with you.

Sex Scene 4, Cowgirl ... u7Ijebngis

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported to a mountainous forest that can be completely green or covered in snow. It will be night. Once there, you will meet Sniper Wolf, who will be sitting on a tree branch aiming her sniper rifle at Cob. Said rifle will have the following appearance:) ... psg100.jpg

Sniper Wolf: I see you, little bird.
Cob: Hey, don't open fire. I just... ehhh... I was passing by to make sure there were no wild animals in the area.
Sniper Wolf: Well you just found one, little friend. What are you going to do now?
Cob: Well, uhm, could I take a pill for my cramp? Walking around this place is very exhausting, you know?
Sniper Wolf: Mmm, okay, but since I see something out of place, believe me, I'll see it through my scope.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Sniper Wolf horny)

Sniper Wolf: I see a little bunny peeking out there. How about we have mommy give him shelter in his burrow?

Sex Scene 5, Doggy Style

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob is teleported to a wooden suspension bridge located in a jungle. There he will meet The Boss. The bridge will look similar to this:)

The Boss: Damn, where did you come from? You took me by surprise.
Cob: I'm sorry. I was just passing by here on my way to my destination.
The Boss: Then hurry up and get out of here.
Cob: It doesn't make you upset that way. Look, I have something that will make your day.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making The Boss horny)

The Boss: You weren't wrong. This will be a great day.

Sex Scene 6 ... 769/99.gif

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported away. Taking into account that this is the end of part 2, a text will appear that says "To Be Continued”)

End of Part 2


Metal Rear Solid Part 3

(After the sex scene with The Boss, Cob will be teleported to a room with several computers, where he will meet Emma Emmerich, who will be sitting in front of one of them.)

Emma: Y-you are a soldier? Have you come to take me?
Cob: I am not a soldier, I am someone who has come to help you.
Emma: Oh, thank God. I have discovered that I have "Fox Dry" so I am trying to find a formula to eliminate it from my body, but I still can't find it.
Cob: Don't worry, I have the cure you need.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Emma horny)

Emma: I never would have believed that receiving a cure would be so much fun.

Sex Scene 7 ... Q&usqp=CAU

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported to a medical room, where he will meet Naomi Hunter.)

Naomi: Oh, hello, I didn't have to come in. What brings you here? I'm busy right now, but if you come to have an injury or illness checked, I can treat it.
Cob: I don't need any treatment. In fact, I have come to treat you.
Naomi: What do you mean?

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Naomi horny)

Naomi: Oh, you plan to "vaccinate" me th that?

Sex Scene 8, Reverse Cowgirl ... g?10064961

(Once the sex scene ends, Cob will be teleported to the terrace of a building, where we will meet Fortune. She will hold a railgun, but she won't point it at Cob. The railgun will look the same as in the Fortune appearance image)

Fortune: Argh, a men. I'm tired of them.
Cob: What do you have against us?
Fortune: I used to be married, but now I'm a widow. Since then, no one wants to fuck me because apparently I intimidate them.
Cob: I think I can solve your problems.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Fortune horny)

Fortune: I feel horny. I haven't experienced that since I was with my husband.

Sex Scene 9 ... orno-2.jpg

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported away. Taking into account that this is the end of part 3, a text will appear that says "To Be Continued”)

End of Part 3


Metal Rear Solid Part 4

(After the sex scene with Fortune, Cob will be taken to a Central American meadow, where he will meet Cécile Cosima Caminades, who will be lying under a tree.)

Cécile: A soldier! Please do not hurt me.
Cob: Calm down, miss. I'm not here to hurt you.
Cécile: Really? Oh, that's good. You see, I am an ornithologist, so I have come to this place to study the native birds, but during my investigations I have seen some squadrons prowling the area and I have been scared.
Cob: If you think you're in danger, why haven't you left here?
Cécile: Because I still have to analyze some birds, but like I told you, I'm afraid.
Cob: I think I have a way to give you value

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Cécile horny)

Cécile: I definitely have to take a closer look at that.

Sex Scene 10 ... 92452B.jpg

(Once the sex scene ends, Cob will be teleported to an office with wooden walls, where he will meet Rosemary.)

Rosemary: Good morning. Have you come here to see someone? Are you signed up for a visit?
Cob: Uhhh, yes, yes, I've come to see someone.
Rosemary: I take it you're coming to see the colonel. It's busy now, but will be available in a while.
Cob: Ehh, thanks. For now I will take a pill.
Rosemary: Of course. These days have been very stressful. We have to find a way to relax.
Cob: I agree with that.

(Cob takes out the jar and takes a pill, which makes his cock come out of his suit, making Cécile horny)

Rosemary: Wow, is that thing real?

Sex Scene 11, Missionary ... =305/3.jpg

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported to a desert in Afghanistan, where he will meet Quiet. She will use a sniper rifle that will look like this:)

Cob: Hello Miss. Are you OK? This place is very lonely and it is very hot here.
Quiet: …
Cob: Um, miss, have you heard me?
Quiet: …
Cob: Can you talk? Do you have a problem with your throat?
Quiet: …
Cob: (Thinking) Hmm, this is weird. This silent girl makes me nervous.

(Quiet will approach Cob, standing in front of him.)

Quiet: …
Cob: (Thinking) It's very close to me. Maybe I should take a pill quickly before it does anything to me.

(Quiet kneels in front of Cob to try to get his cock out of his suit so she can see it)

Cob: (Speaking) Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing?

(Quiet will manage to get Cob's cock out of his suit, which will be erect. Quiet will smile when he sees it and a black spot will appear in his eyes.)

Cob: Oh well, I guess I won't need a pill this time.

Sex Scene 12, ( sex position named “69”) ... ew.mp4.jpg

(Once the sex scene is over, Cob will be teleported to his room, which will look the same as in past games.)

Cob: Ah? My room? What am I doing here?

(The earpierce begins to make a sound, indicating that Cob is receiving a Codec call)

Cob: Oh, they're calling me again. I must answer.

(The scene then changes to the Codec call, which will look the same as in part 1)

Johnny: YES! You did it! Ha ha!
Cob: Oh, it's you again. That's it? Is there no danger anymore?
Johnny: Yes, everything is fine now. Our reports indicate that all the women you came into contact with are fine and no longer have the virus inside their body, so it will no longer spread throughout the world. Furthermore, the leaders of the organization that created "Fox Dry" have been located and are under arrest, in addition to having their properties searched, plans were found with formulas to make "Fox Dry", which have been destroyed so that they will not be made again. never again. We are all fine, and the sexual lives of the men and women of the world are no longer in danger and will be able to continue without setbacks.
Cob: Those are cool, bro. I'm glad I helped.
Johnny: Since we have finished, my superiors have decided to send you back to your home, whereby you can consider your mission completed. Also, you can keep the equipment that was provided to you, you know, as a souvenir.
Cob: Oh, thanks, man. I appreciate it. I will take good care of him. This suit, the earpice and the pads are great.
Johnny: Yes, they are, ha ha. Well, I have nothing left to do but thank you for your services and say goodbye. It has been an honor that you have worked with us.
Cob: I say the same thing, friend. If you need help with anything else, let me know. Bye

(The Codec call ends and we see Cob back in his room. At his side will be his cat Jasper, who arrived while Cob was talking to Johnny.)

Jasper: Meow
Cob: Hey, bro. What's up? Note had seen it coming. Are you hungry?
Jasper: Meow
Cob: Ok, follow me. I'll give you something to eat.


PD: Keep you waiting, huh?

Jaja, hello friends. After my Far Moan script was used for a game, I started thinking that other video game series would be suitable to be parodied by MNF, so after a while I thought about Metal Gear Solid, which has a lot of girls. hot that deserve all of us to cum in their honor :), so I set out to write this script. Maybe you will notice that the number of sex scenes is very high. That's because I like almost all the women who appear in MGS, so I felt motivated to write one for each one, although I don't think all the scenes will be used since it would be a lot of work to animate them all jaja. As always, sorry if you see spelling errors. That's because I use a translator to translate the script into english, a language which I don't speak. Well, without further ado, see you next time
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